
Circular Operations Model for Product Life Prolongation

GIAB Godsinlosen Nordic AB Stockholm, Sweden

Practice description:

The company offers services to e-commerce for sustainably handling returns and a to insurance companies for sustainably handling indemnification processes with the purpose to prolong product lives. The company handles logistics, repairs products if necessary and resells products which provides jobs for previously long-term unemployed people. Clients receive a reporting about the resources that are saved in this process.

GIAB Godsinlosen Nordic AB

Circular Operations Model for Product Life Prolongation

Total duration 10 years
Pathway maps represent the sequence businesses followed to implement successful sustainability practices and identify emerging ones within firms. The pathways also reveal the diversity of actors that begin to form sustainability enabling ecosystems for businesses to adopt, deploy or test sustainability practices.

How does this contribute to SDGs?

Contributions to SDGs
8. Decent Work And Economic Growth
12. Responsible Consumption And Production
15. Life On Land

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Circular economy: successful business model for profit and purpose is being amplified through a circular consulting service
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