
DiBella, J. (2022) “Rapid guide for planning business model innovations for disaster risk reduction” United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction Office for the Americas and the Caribbean – Private Sector Alliance for Disaster Resilient Societies

Burch, S., J. Di Bella, J. Rao-Williams, N. Forrest, V. Hermelingmier, S. Morton Ninomiya and K. Chisholm (2020) “Sustainable business practices can build resilient local economies for a post-COVID-19 recover“. TRANSFORM
Available in English, Spanish and German.
Journal Articles
- Burch, S., DiBella, J., Wiek, A. et al. “Building urban resilience through sustainability-oriented small- and medium-sized enterprises.” Urban Transform 4, 12 (2022).
- DiBella, J., Forrest, N., Burch, S., Rao‐Williams, J., Ninomiya, S. M., Hermelingmeier, V., & Chisholm, K. (2022). Exploring the potential of SMEs to build individual, organizational, and community resilience through sustainability‐oriented business practices. Business Strategy and the Environment.
- Burch, S. & Di Bella, J. (2021) Business models for the Anthropocene: accelerating sustainability transformations in the private sector. Sustainability Science, 16(6), 1963-1976.
- Kundurpi, A., Westman, L., Luederitz, C., Burch, S., & Mercado, A. (2021). Navigating between adaptation and transformation: How intermediaries support businesses in sustainability transitions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 283, 125366.
- Westman, Linda., Moores, Ericha., Burch, Sarah Lynn., 2021. Bridging the governance divide: The role of SMEs in urban sustainability interventions, Cities, Vol. 108, 102994.
- Ann Dale, John Robinson, Leslie King, Sarah Burch, Rob Newell, Alison Shaw & Francois Jost (2020) Meeting the climate change challenge: local government climate action in British Columbia, Canada, Climate Policy, 20:7, 866-880.
- Coenen, Lars ; Davidson, Kathryn ; Frantzeskaki, Niki ; Grenfell, Maree ; Håkansson, Irene ; Hartigan, Martin ; 2020. Metropolitan governance in action? Learning from metropolitan Melbourne’s urban forest strategy, Australian Planner (Mar 2020).
- Dumitru, Adina ; Frantzeskaki, Niki ; Collier, Marcus ; 2020. Identifying principles for the design of robust impact evaluation frameworks for nature-based solutions in cities, Environmental Science & Policy, Vol. 112 (Oct 2020), pp. 107-116.
- Frantzeskaki, Niki ; Vandergert, Paula ; Connop, Stuart ; Schipper, Karlijn ; Zwierzchowska, Iwona ; Collier, Marcus ; Lodder, Marleen ; 2020. Examining the policy needs for implementing nature-based solutions in cities: Findings from city-wide transdisciplinary experiences in Glasgow (UK), Genk (Belgium) and Poznań (Poland), Land Use Policy, Vol. 96 (Jul 2020), 104688.
- Hoffmann, Sabine ; Feldmann, Ulrike ; Bach, Peter M. ; Binz, Christian ; Farrelly, Megan ; Frantzeskaki, Niki ; Hiessl, Harald ; Inauen, Jennifer ; Larsen, Tove A. ; Lienert, Judit ; Londong, Jorg ; Luthi, Christoph ; Maurer, Max ; Mitchell, Cynthia ; Morgenroth, Eberhard ; Nelson, Kara L. ; Scholten, Lisa ; Truffer, Bernhard ; Udert, Kai M. ; 2020. A Research Agenda for the Future of Urban Water Management: Exploring the Potential of Nongrid, Small-Grid, and Hybrid Solutions, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 54, no. 9 (May 2020), pp. 5312-5322.
- Lam, D.P.M., Martín-López, B., Wiek, A. et al. Scaling the impact of sustainability initiatives: a typology of amplification processes. Urban Transform 2, 3 (2020).
- Malekpour, Shirin ; Walker, Warren E. ; de Haan, Fjalar J. ; Frantzeskaki, Niki ; Marchau, Vincent A. W. J. ; 2020. Bridging Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty (DMDU) and Transition Management (TM) to improve strategic planning for sustainable development, Environmental Science & Policy, Vol. 107 (May 2020), pp. 158-167.
- Westman Linda., McKenzie Janetta., Burch, Sarah Lynn., 2020, Political participation of businesses: A framework to understand contributions of SMEs to urban sustainability politics, Earth System Governance, Vol: 3.
- Di Bella, Jose. (2019). The spatial representation of business models for climate adaptation: An approach for business model innovation and adaptation strategies in the private sector. Business Strategy and Development.