Dr. J. David Tàbara is an Associate Senior Researcher working on knowledge integration at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has over twenty years’ experience of EU international research on Sustainable Development and Participatory Integrated Assessment of climate strategies. He has published extensively on socio-environmental knowledge integration methods, with particular attention to questions of public perception, social learning, communication and public participation for sustainability. He contributed to the first book on Public Participation in Sustainability Science (Cambridge University Press 2003) and to the development of the first EU Orientation Paper on Global Systems Science. His recent interests focus on the assessment of transformative solutions to support sustainable climate action (within the GREEN-WIN project: www.green-win-project.eu), the development of a novel science-policy approach called Transformative Climate Science (TSC) and the emergence of positive tipping points in conditions of high-end climate change (within the IMPRESSIONS project: www.impressions-project.eu). Latest publications include: Tàbara JD et al, 2018. Defining Transformative Climate Science in the context of high-end climate change. Regional Environmental Change. https://doi:10.1007/s10113-018-1288-8, and Tàbara JD et al Positive tipping points for a rapidly warming world. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2018.01.012
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