The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) has awarded Dr. Sarah Burch a $2.4 Million (CAD) Partnership Grant for her project, TRANSFORM: Accelerating sustainability entrepreneurship experiments in local spaces. This is one of 20 research grants awarded to the University of Waterloo by SSHRC 2018.
TRANSFORM will work closely with small and medium businesses to give them the tools, guidance and partnerships they need to go beyond mere incremental changes toward sustainability, and fundamentally transform their business to become better for the planet and its people. The grant is intended to support research and partnerships in equal parts to accelerate entrepreneurship experiments and achieve project goals. To that end, the grant will be used to set up and support Project Hubs across 11 universities in 8 countries, all working in alignment to achieve the project’s research and partnership objectives while contributing to domestic knowledge and policy development.
View the official University of Waterloo announcement at: https://uwaterloo.ca/environment/news/environment-leads-58-million-granted-research-waterloo