A “practice” is a series of activities and actions carried out by businesses using a combination of financial, technical, human and material resources that contributes to sustainability and disaster resilience.
This inventory of practices was created by synthesizing interviews and mapping sessions carried out by researchers with small and medium business in different cities and sectors around the world. The inventory gives examples of practices and sequences followed by businesses in the adoption, implementation and design of their own sustainability efforts.
These practices can support researchers, practitioners and policy makers as they work with businesses to advance sustainability and resilience building efforts in local communities.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a framework for the global community to mobilize governments, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and local stakeholders in pursuing its goals for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. The goals provide a shared roadmap for creating sustainable and resilient societies. TRANSFORM sought to connect business practices and their outcomes to the different SDGs.
Sustainability Practices
Formalize Inclusive Labor Practice
Organic Agriculture
Urban Edible Garden
Waste Management
Ecosystem Management with Community
Solidary Economy with Local Producers
Packaging Waste Reduction
Waste Management
Solar Energy
Nourish Seed Biodiversity
Fair Trade
Formalize Inclusive Labor Practice
Organic Agriculture
Urban Edible Garden
Waste Management
Ecosystem Management with Community
Solidary Economy with Local Producers
Packaging Waste Reduction
Waste Management
Solar Energy
Nourish Seed Biodiversity
Fair Trade
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